Maria De La Torre

April 2020
Maria De La Torre
Class Status: Sophomore
Major: Cellular and Molecular Biology
Minor: Biochemistry
Campus Involvements: CSI³ Leadership Club (Secretary), Women in STEM (WiSE) Program, STEM Scholars Program, Biochemistry Club Member, and Psychology Research Student
Career Goal: Family Medicine Physician
Hobbies: Reading, writing poems, riding bikes, volleyball and tennis
How has CSI³ helped you?
The CSI³ undergraduate team has helped me in many ways. Their help has made my academic semesters more easy and fun. They have supported me with tutoring, advising, feedback and making sure I am on the right track. Their constant support has really helped me become a more confident person. I am truly grateful for each person in the CSI³ undergraduate team.
What is the importance of participating in extracurricular activities?
The importance of participating in extracurricular activities is so crucial and you must be willing to go out of your comfort zone. It might be scary at first, but it will truly help you. You can meet people who are on the same path as you and you never know when you might be seeing them again. It's important to explore the opportunities presented to you, especially as a first generation college student. I want to be able to explore and learn from every opportunity I have. My family has always motivated me to keep going and try new things.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
Some advice I would like to give my fellow scholars is to push yourself to the best of your ability. When you feel like you're not giving your best, know that there is a team and person who is rooting for you. You are unique and one of a kind, show the world what you have to offer and never give up!
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I plan on attending medical school and pursuing my degree in medicine, while still giving back to my community.