We have several opportunities available.
We have several exciting job opportunities at CISE available for candidates who are passionate about leadership and service! We have a great team of dedicated professionals and we are looking to welcome new team members who are as passionate about serving students and the community as we are! Please read through the job
descriptions carefully. We look forward to meeting you soon!
teacher support institute lead teacher
Questions? Dr. Kelly Meyers-Wagner Email: kmeyers@csudh.edu
CISE SCholar
Questions? Yesenia Zavala yzavala@csudh.edu
toro tutor
Questions? Carla Torres: ctorres233@csudh.edu
self mentor
Questions? Carla Torres: ctorres233@csudh.edu

Both Compton Unified School District (CUSD), Centinela Valley Union High School District (CVUHSD) and Green Dot Public Schools have developed a partnership with CSU Dominguez Hills in order to impact student achievement in the primary grades and secondary configurations of middle school and high school. CSUDH recruits, trains, places, and supports tutors to be placed within school settings. The goal of the partnership is two-fold; to provide a firm foundation for students learning in the primary grades and establish a strong foundation for students at the secondary level to capitalize on college and career readiness opportunities through the use of qualified tutors.