Fanny Villa
May 2020
Fanny Villa
Class Status: 1st Year (Going on 2nd Year)
Major: Pre-Liberal Studies
Campus Involvement: CISE Fab Lab Technician
Career Goal: To become an elementary school teacher.
Hobbies: Drawing, baking, and listening to music.
How has CSI³ helped you?
CSI³ has provided me with a new work experience and has allowed me to meet new people. I feel like I am part of the community now and that I am becoming a better person. Also, it has given me the opportunity to have a great first year experience in college.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
What keeps me motivated and positive is my family, especially my little sister. I want to be a role model for her by doing well in college and showing her that I can do it. That motivates me to be a better person and overcome any hardships that come my way.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
Some advice I would like to give scholars is to take advantage of all the resources the University has to offer, to take the amount of classes you feel comfortable taking, and to take it one step at a time.
What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation are to become a teacher and to teach at an elementary school (most likely first or second grade).