Erika Gallegos Leon
May 2022
Erika Gallegos Leon
Class status: Senior
Major: Microbiology
Campus Programs/Involvement: CISE/ STEM Scholars
Career goal: CLS license
Hobbies: Reading; thrillers are my favorite
How has the TTS Program helped you?
The STEM program helped me feel like I belonged. In all these years here at Dominguez, not once did I feel like I was alone. Every time I needed help with something or felt anxious about anything, Noemi was always there for me. Thank you so much for all the support and encouragement you provided all these years. This journey would have been so difficult without your support.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
I don't give up during hard times because I know that nothing is static. I'm sure that better times are coming.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
keep your goals present and take steps that will move you in the direction of fulfilling your goals. be flexible because that will make it easier for you to keep moving forward during hard times and in the presence of obstacles.
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, I'm relaxing for a few days. I'm currently waiting to see if I get accepted into the CGMBS program and if I do, I will be back in school.