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Kiera Willis

Kiera Willis


Name: Kiera Willis
Graduated: Spring 2013
Major: Mathematics Education
CSI3 Undergraduate Program: Noyce and TTT
Hobbies: Basketball

What is your current status?
This is my 9th year as middle school mathematics teacher and 1st year as mathematics coach. Also, I just completed my Masters in Mathematics Education! C/O 2019

What do you enjoy the most about your current status?
I actually enjoy sitting in different classrooms and helping students. I become that additional support for my colleagues. I like to sit with them and listen to them reflect on their teaching, and provide them with tools and suggestions for future lessons.

If you could give your junior/senior year self any words of advice what would you say?
I would tell my junior/senior self to not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone because you never know what opportunities will appear.

What has been one of the biggest lessons you have learned upon graduating?
The biggest lesson I've learned upon graduating is only step up if you're ready for the challenge.

What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
Laughing keeps me level-headed. Seeing a few of the faces that need me keeps me motivated to always show up ready.

Is there anyone from the CSI3 programs you would like to thank or give a shout-out to?
Shout out to Noemi and Xio. They made sure I participated in every opportunity to prepare me for where I am now. A special shout out to Dr. Hamdan aka Papa Hamdan

Updated: 12/15/21

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