Ihara Osornio-Contreras

December 2021
Ihara Osornio- Contreras Class Status: Senior
Major: Biology
Campus Programs/Involvement: STEM Scholar
Career Goal: My career goal is to be a doctor or physician's assistant.
Hobbies: I enjoy painting and volunteering at the
How has the STEM Scholars Program helped you?
The STEM Scholars Program has helped me by being
my primary support system. Whenever I seem to be stuck or discouraged they are always there for me. I truly appreciate this program and how helpful you all have been, whether it is school or personal.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
One of the things that keeps me motivated and positive through the hard times is definitely family and the STEM Scholars Program. I also think about my career goals and how far I've come regardless of any hardships that come in my life.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
The only advice I would give is, there is no time limit when it comes to reaching your goals or finishing school. Regardless of what is going on in your life, school will always be there and there is no need to rush.
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I am looking at getting a job at a hospital or in clinical research.