Carlos Hernandez

January 2023
Campus Programs/Involvement: GPS
Career Goal: My Career Goal is use everything I have learned at Dominguez Hills and use this knowledge to create an online business, whether it be a web design business, app development business, email marketing tool etc.
Hobbies: Working out/ fitness, trying to read at least a book a month, learning new things whether that be in school or through life, and spending time with those I care about the most.
How has the GPS Program helped you?
The GPS Program has helped me out tremendously. Coming to Dominguez Hills I was certainly confused and stressed out with everything, how classes work, what specific classes are needed to graduate on time, choosing the best professors etc. GPS has really helped carry some of that weight off my back. GPS is a program that really puts in that extra effort to help you excel. I spend most of my time at the CISE Collaboration Space where I have met great new welcoming people. GPS has given me space and guidance for my college years and that is truly all I need to become successful.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
I have had a numerous amount of days where life seemed to be swallowing me whole but through my struggles I have found having a goal in life gave me reason to keep pushing forward. My goal does not only benefit me but the people around me, that's what truly pushes me through those rough days. A belief I believe in is “Live life as if it were your last day.” Live life with no regrets. Keep this in mind whenever you have your own goals you’d like to start, “One day, or Day one. You choose”
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
Some advice I would give to my fellow scholars is to keep at it at your own pace, whether it be school, work, or whatever it may be, don't rush everything and cram it into a day “Rome wasn't built overnight.” Another great advice is to make time for yourself, prioritize yourself over others. By that i don't mean being selfish and not giving back, by all means please do. But you can't help others when you’re struggling yourself. Lastly, a great advice I would give to my fellow scholars is give it everything you have day by day. Put 110% effort into whatever it may be because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is how much effort you put in. If you believe you gave it everything you have, then you should definitely be proud of yourself.
What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation is to start up a business or already in development in one, and see where my life is headed.
Favorite Movie: I’d say most if not all superhero movies
Favorite Food: Asian foods as a whole
Least Favorite Food: Don't have one
Place you'd most like to travel to:
A place I'd love to travel to is any part of Europe, I am very interested in European culture
Describe yourself in three words: empathic, hardworking, curious