Andres Burgos
STEM Scholar
Name: Andres Burgos
Graduation Term: Fall 2019
Major: Computer Technology: Homeland Security
CSI3 Undergraduate Program: STEM Scholars
Hobbies: PC Gaming, Reading, TryHackMe Challenges, Boxing
What is your current status?
Information Security Specialist at Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach
What do you enjoy the most about your current status?
Ability to work with a talented team, constantly taking on new challenges. I’m typically unsatisfied with my level of expertise and am constantly learning new things.
If you could give your junior/senior year self any words of advice what would you say?
Have a well-built resume ready! Ensure you have a LinkedIn profile! Get more involved with school programs/clubs.
What has been one of the biggest lessons you have learned upon graduating?
To continue to learn each and every day. Graduating is a major accomplishment, however, you should always push yourself to learn new things. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
Family and friends!
Is there anyone from the CSI3 programs you would like to thank or give a shout-out to?
Shout-out to everyone at CSI3 for making the program great! Special thanks to Noemi for the motivation and kind words as always.
Updated 12/10/21