Raquel Herrera Miranda
July 2020
Raquel Herrera Miranda
Class Status: I am a Senior (class of 2021). Also, I grew up in a low- income community in the outskirts of Silver Lake, CA.
Major: I began my college experience at CSU Dominguez Hills in fall 2016 and I am currently a Liberal Studies major.
Campus Programs/Involvement: I am part of the Math and Science Teacher Initiative Program and was part of the RISE Program (I served as a tutor through RISE). Unfortunately due to my two jobs and always having >15 units I am not able to commit to more campus involvements as much I want to. Nonetheless, I was able to visit the LGBTQ + room and watch a few theater plays.
Career Goal: My main goal is to become the best teacher I can be. I want to change the education system and shape communities over time. My career goal is to be able to change lives for the better and to offer these children the most effective learning experience possible.
Hobbies: In my free time I like to paint, play soccer and go hiking.
How has CSI³ helped you?
CSI³ has helped me reach many of my goals. From being a tutor and spending my days in small groups with students, to being a teacher assistant and learning as I got hands-on experience. CSI³ has been there every step of the way, guiding me, helping me, teaching me, and accepting me. CSI³ has helped me become an amazing teacher, leader and agent of social change.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
Working with students has really helped me maintain a healthy mental state and remain positive in the midst of animosity. Waking up and knowing that I am going to see my kids makes me happy to be alive. Happy to be part of this team because without it, I honestly don't know where I would be.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
To my fellow scholars, please take advantage of every opportunity CSI³ offers! Also, I advise you to do things that make you happy. Life is too short to waste it on being occupied with things that don't make us feel alive and happy.
What are your plans after graduation?
After I graduate, I want to visit Greece and Spain. After I come back, I hope to begin a credential and Masters program at CSU Dominguez Hills so I can prepare myself to be the best teacher that I can be!