Jessica Stillion

March 2021
Jessica Stillion
Class Status: Junior
Major: Business Marketing: Emphasis in Management
Campus Programs/Involvement: TTS and Thru-in-Two Program
Hobbies: I like to read, workout, go to the beach, spend time with my family, my puppy Bubba, and study, lots and lots of studying!
How has TTS helped you?
The TTS program has helped me with registering for classes and keeping me on track for my goal: getting my degree in two years. The program has also offered workshops and counselors that have helped me navigate through this new online experience. Thanks to the program, I have been able to follow my academic plan and sign up for classes accordingly.
What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
My motivation this school year has definitely been my nieces and nephew, Konnor, Olivia, and Delilah. I want to show them that with hard work and determination their goals are reachable and achievable. We have a little competition with who can get straight A’s throughout the year. I’m winning so far, but my nephew Konnor is giving me a run for money! My brother also inspires me and keeps me going. He reminds me of the light at the end of the tunnel! He encourages me to continue and get my degree. My mom and dad are also key individuals to push me to my limits. They always root for me in times of need, as well as my sister, so the support of my family has definitely kept me going to reach my goals.
What advice would you like to give to your fellow scholars?
I would tell other scholars to keep going. When you’re in school it feels like everything piles up with no end in sight, but there is! Don’t give up! I would always feel so overwhelmed with the number of courses I had to take, but I always took it day by day, and next thing I knew it was finals week! If you’re like me and decide to take 6 courses during fall and spring, I would just say keep up with all the work! Always stay on top of your homework, quizzes, and tests. I have a planner that I color coordinate for each class. It really helps me stay on top of everything. Also, always ask questions!
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, June 2022, I will be celebrating! I would like to find a job in the fitness or beauty industry that will put my marketing skills to use. I want to gain knowledge on the business side before I go to grad school. I will receive my MBA in marketing. My choices for school would be CSULB or somewhere on the East Coast, like Syracuse or North Carolina because they have great business programs. The one thing I am most excited for is graduating because it has been a journey and there were times I wanted to give up, but I stuck through it. To have my degree will be the biggest accomplishment. I’m proud of myself! I can’t wait to see what life brings me after graduation!