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Lyzbeth Becerra

Lyzbeth Becerra


Name: Lyzbeth Becerra
Graduation Term: Spring 2013
Major: Biology - Ecology
CSI3 Undergraduate Program: MSTI, NSP, and TTT
Hobbies: Baking, hanging out with my dogs, traveling

What is your current status ?
I am currently in my 8th year teaching high school science. I’ve taught Biology, AP biology, STEM, and this school year I am teaching Anatomy & physiology to juniors. I am also the department chair at my school and have been coaching a group of teachers to complete induction.

What do you enjoy the most about your current status?
What I enjoy the most about my current status is definitely the kids. Teaching juniors has been my favorite grade level to teach. I started teaching 9th graders and I really thought my heart was in 9th grade, but that all changed once I got the juniors. I feel like I have a greater impact on them and can guide them to pursue a career in science as well as serve as their mentor in their college application process. I also enjoy coaching my department to ensure all of our students are receiving the best education in all of their science classes.

If you could give your junior/senior year self any words of advice what would you say?
If I could give my junior/senior self some advice it would be to enjoy my college life a bit more. I regret spending so much time studying by myself in the library instead of making connections with fellow classmates. I regret not joining more clubs/ partying a bit more. Now as a high school teacher all my students ask me about college and I don’t have many stories to tell because 90% of my time in college was spent in class or studying.

What has been one of the biggest lessons you have learned upon graduating?
One of the biggest lessons I have learned upon graduating is that nothing in life will ever be handed to you easily. Everything I have ever aspired to have I have had to work hard for. Also, being a team player is very important to succeed in any career.

What keeps you motivated and positive throughout life’s hardships?
There are many things and people that help keep me positive and motivated throughout rough days at work. My students are definitely one of the most important in keeping me motivated day to day. Working with adults is hard and can sometimes make me feel defeated, but once I'm in the classroom and hear positive comments about the lessons I plan or my class in general it gives me that extra push I need to keep moving forward. My husband is my rock at home that constantly supports my ideas and helps me plan and run through my lesson with him. He constantly serves as my biggest supporter at home. He finds ways of helping me relieve stress, cheers for me, and even helps me grade to reduce my workload.

Is there anyone from the CSI3 programs you would like to thank or give a shout out to?
I would definitely like to give a shout out to the whole CSI3 program. I feel like I was part of every program offered. I would have not become a teacher if it wasn’t for Noemi recruiting me and Dr. Hamdan for giving me the opportunity to work in the office as my work studies. I got so many opportunities because of you guys. From internships to summer teaching to allowing me to work closely with master teachers. It was because of you that I rocked my first year teaching and every year after. I did not have the same struggles some of my coworkers had as new teachers. Noemi and Dr. Hamdan definitely felt like family. I owe so much to them. They have helped shape me into the person I am today.

Updated: 12/3/21

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