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  • Comprehensive, online clearinghouse of internships, research opportunities, career positions, graduate school and credential programs plus grants & scholarships


  • The committee will lead the way in establishing a clearinghouse that collects information from across campus on internships, postbaccalaureate options, etc. (see below). The committee will pursue additional funding, resources and training for the Career Center. With TTS funding, the committee and Career Center will pilot subject-specific job fairs to gauge interest from students and employers. The committee will advocate for resources for the Career Center, e.g., automated procedures that reduce paperwork, training on best practices, etc.

    • ii) The clearinghouse will be a comprehensive, online collection of internships, research opportunities, career positions, graduate school and teaching credential programs available to CSUDH students. With the assistance of Financial Aid and University Advancement, the clearinghouse will include information on grants and scholarships for students interested in seeking graduate degrees or teaching credentials. Rather than information on opportunities being

      scattered across colleges and departments, the clearinghouse will assemble these in one place.

  • create an online clearinghouse of internships, research opportunities, career positions, graduate school and teaching credential programs available to CSUDH students. Centralizing this information will reduce the reliance on chance conversations with faculty or fellow students to communicate opportunities.

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